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PREVENTION AND SOCIAL REHABILITATION London No. 102, Colonia Juárez, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, CP 06600, Mexico, DF



(52) (55) 52 42 81 00

Ext 18992, 18993 and 18994

Interior of the Republic

01 800 21 51 206


For the fulfillment of the competence of the Authority, the Commissioner must:

  • Agreeing with the Secretary on matters within its competence and inform the progress and outcome thereof;
  • Organize and manage establishments run by the Federation for the detention of persons prosecuted, the execution of sentences and the application of rehabilitation treatments and treatment centers for juvenile offenders, based on the security of society and the characteristics of inmates;
  • Authorize the entry and exit of inmates to federal facilities and under the Diagnostic and Treatment Centers, and the transfer of inmates under federal jurisdiction within and between states and the Federal District;
  • Build and establish the integration and the powers of the technical committees for the proper functioning and proper performance of the functions of the Authority;
  • Coordinate the development, implementation and execution of the National Prison and Young Offenders Treatment and other programs and projects within its jurisdiction, for the approval of the Secretary;
  • Subscribe trades early release, preliberty or revocation of the benefits provided by the respective laws for inmates convicted of federal jurisdiction, covering the requirements and formalities established by the provisions and policies established by the Secretary;
  • Sign the contracts, agreements, technical annexes and rules of operation as well as documents involving acts of management and budget execution, in strict compliance with applicable legal provisions, the agreement to delegate powers, if any, sign the Secretary, authorizations for the respective Committees and the policies adopted by the Administrative Office of the Secretariat;
  • Order the practice of monitoring visits and verification, inspection, monitoring and surveillance of federal centers, centers for diagnosis and treatment and other administrative units of the Authority to fulfill his assigned duties, internal and federal courts in schools local correctional facilities, in compliance with the agreements established with the states and the Federal District or agreements with the prison authorities;
  • Submit for consideration by the Secretary to issue, amend or update of regulations and manuals necessary for the exercise of the privileges of the Authority, upon view and opinion of the General Coordination of Legal Affairs or the Administrative Office of the Secretariat as applicable;
  • Implement the national prison policy established by the Secretary and propose their compliance by the states, the Federal District and municipalities through the National Prison and Young Offenders Treatment;
  • Support the participation of the states and Federal District in the implementation of educational and cultural programs as well as prison labor productivity, with fair economic rewards inmates under federal jurisdiction, in terms of the Act establishing the minimum standards for rehabilitation Sentenced Social;
  • Addressing the comments of the internal control within the Secretariat, as well as requests and recommendations of the National Commission on Human Rights regarding the federal centers and rehabilitation centers in the states, in relation to comprehensive technical treatment, implementation sanctions and programs for social rehabilitation of offenders under federal jurisdiction;
  • Propose to the Secretary for approval, the organizational and functional structure of administrative units of the Authority, as well as approve the hiring and assignment of agency personnel and their removal;
  • Coordinate actions with the heads of administrative units and other decentralized administrative bodies of the Secretariat for the efficient dispatch of business in their care;
  • Issuing certificates of documents in the files to your office;
  • Establish guidelines for operating management programs, training, upgrading and professionalization of prison staff;
  • Promote the approval of the prison system in the country, and promote the adoption of minimum standards for the social rehabilitation of sentenced by the states and Federal District;
  • Apply under the terms of the relevant law, the measures of guidance, protection and treatment, external or internal, for juvenile offenders;
  • Monitor, within your jurisdiction, the proper administration of justice for juvenile offenders and the general and special prevention in order to avoid the commission of offenses and
  • The other powers conferred by other applicable laws or the Secretary.

Mission. Being the instance of the Secretary of Public Security that contributes to the preservation of the rule of law, with the establishment and coordination of prison policy of crime prevention and social rehabilitation, in strict compliance with the law and respect for human rights .

Vision. Implement the national penitentiary policy to prevent the commission of crime, rehabilitating and treating those convicted young offenders through appropriate systems to enable their reintegration into society, with the participation of various sectors and levels of government.

Última modificación: 5 de Enero de 2012 20:37 hrs.
por: General Directorate of Social Communication



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